Golf Group Manager is intended to be a self-managed website at a price point which does not allow for individual customer support. The Troubleshooting section is to assist users to find solutions to situations that may arise.
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Ringer Board
Ringer Board -how to participate and enter scores
Ringer Boards are member interactive. Learn how to participate andenter scores.
- About Ringer Board
A Ringer Board is a compilation of a player’s best gross score on each hole during a set time period. It is interactive and allows players to enter their own scores and view scores from other... - Enter Scores into Ringer Board
Click Edit on the toolbar. A table opens showing all 18 holes numbers. To enter or update a hole score select bon that hole. In the pop-up complete the fields: Hole From the drop down list enter ... - Join Ringer Board
Scoring/Ringer BoardThe toolbar is the control centre for Ringer Board Show contains all the Ringer Boards created during the season. Use the drop down to select the Ringer Board to enter scores ...