Golf Group Manager is intended to be a self-managed website at a price point which does not allow for individual customer support. The Troubleshooting section is to assist users to find solutions to situations that may arise.
Main Help Sections
Import Member Roster
Importing members from a spreadsheet
Learn how to import your Group's membership roster from a spreadsheet -
Importing Members
This video will show you how to quickly add a list of members and their personal information -
Importing Member Roster
This video shows how to import a batch of members into golf group manager using a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel.
Members/Manage Members/Import
1. Set the membership roster up in the same format as the example with column headers in Line 1 as:
|First Name| Last Name |Email Address| Handicap |Street| City |State/Prov. |Zip/Postal Code| Phone|
2. Even if data is not available for all columns still make sure the column headers follow this example. To Import the roster it is vital to ensure that the first 3 columns have data or the document will show errors when it is uploaded. If there is data for the other 6 columns, paste it in as it will populate into the member's profile.
Hint: copy and paste Line 1 from the example into the membership roster spreadsheet
3. The spreadsheet will now need to be converted to a Comma Separated Value file also called a CSV if it is in an Excel or other spreadsheet program. To convert the file select ‘Save As’ and in the ‘Save as Type’ drop down list select ‘CSV Comma Delimited’. Add the name CSV at the end of the file name to make it easier to identify when uploading. And Save.
If the spreadsheet has multiple pages there may be a warning asking to select the worksheet that is open. Confirm yes.
4. Return to the website. Members/Manage Members/Import. Browse to locate the CSV file. Select Import.
If an error occurs Invalid file type uploaded, it is due to the file imported was not a CSV file. Go back to step 3, convert to a CSV and import again.
Error Codes
Email is invalid or non-existent Use the back arrow to return to the import page.Check for small mistakes such as a comma used instead of a period, error in the @ symbol, spaces in the name or before the address, etc. Make sure the file to be imported is closed. You may need to close the file before importing
Email address is in use by an existing member Members cannot share the same email address, each one must be unique. If a member belongs to another group that uses Golf Group Manager they will need to have a different email address for each Group. As a suggestion have the member ceate a new email account in Gmail The email created here can be direct to your preferred email address mailbox.
First Name is non-existent Usually the field has been left blank
Last Name is non-existent Usually the field has been left blank
5. Once the importing is complete select Approve to upload the members. It will import only those members that do not have error messages. Members that have the pink error message will not be included.
6. Members that were not uploaded due to an error message can be added to the roster once the errors are fixed through Add Member in Manage Members.
7. Once members are imported they will need to be sent an email advising them of the URL (website address)and their login information, which will be their email address and the password ‘golf’.
If a group has a member without an email address, create a 'fake' email address for them. For Bob Smith you could have an email address: Complete the other required fields in the Personal Profile so the Admin can add Bob's name into sign up lists for events.
[Updated Jun 24/11]