Golf Group Manager is intended to be a self-managed website at a price point which does not allow for individual customer support. The Troubleshooting section is to assist users to find solutions to situations that may arise.


  • About Member Profile
    The Member Profile contains contact and other information on all members. There are 11 fields that are preset and cannot be edited or removed. The first four fields are mandatory as this informatio...
  • Create Member Profile Fields
    The Member Profile form has the same 11 fields as the New Member Application form. This dual purpose function allows the applicant data to transfer over to the Member Profile after being accepted a...
  • Forgot Password?
    When logging in members must enter their user name and password to gain access to the private area of the website. The login is the member’s email address and the password was set up initiall...

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Sometimes when I try to edit a field I just created the edit icon doesn't open it

    Often it just needs to reset. Close the page you are working on and re-open to see if it is now working. Or log off and back in again to complete the reset.