Golf Group Manager is intended to be a self-managed website at a price point which does not allow for individual customer support. The Troubleshooting section is to assist users to find solutions to situations that may arise.



  • About Manage Events
    Manage Events is the operation headquarters for everything event-related. It displays the date and name of each event, the status, plus features to publish game winners, edit and remove the event. ...
  • Creating Draws
    This is an article about creating draws.
  • Event Status Terms
    Each event will have a Status Over – the event has been completed Cut-off Passed – the date for signing up is closed but the event is yet to be held Accepting Sign-up – members...
  • Manage Events Icons
    Depending on what modules are subscribed to, there can be a total of eight icons on the right of each event. View/Edit Players. Players can be added or removed regardless of event status. This ic...

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I edit an event after it is created?

    All events can be edited in Manage Events/Edit prior to the Fast Draw icon turning blue. Once it is blue all edits will need to be made through Fast Draw. The exception is with tee sheet events which can be edited in Manage Events when the status is 'Coming Soon'. Once it is available for players to sign up all edits must be made in Fast Draw. It is recommended that the player names and their tee times be noted prior to making edits and selecting Make Draw. No events can be editied once they have a status of OVER. However, all of the data that was entered for that event can be viewed by clicking on the event name in Manage Events.

    [Updated Apr 8/11]

  • How do we change a tee time for a tee sheet event?

    Once the tee sheet event is open for members to sign up it is set inFD (Fast Draw) and needs to be edited there. This is to protect the tee times that the members have signed up for. There is a warning that is also displayed when the Make Draw button is pushed. To change a tee time once members have signed up, go into FD and note the names and selected tee times. In the top area select Draw Type 'Manual , change the tee time and Make Draw. The players will all move into the corral. They can then be manually placed into the same order as previous. You may need to also add in more tee times so they are displayed in the All Events sign up area.