Golf Group Manager is intended to be a self-managed website at a price point which does not allow for individual customer support. The Troubleshooting section is to assist users to find solutions to situations that may arise.
Main Help Sections
About Event Categories
Create Event Categories
Organize all events into categoriesfor easier management
Most Golf Groups have varied activities such as weekly golf games, tournaments, interclub competitions, rules clinics, meetings and social events. As each of these activities have different requirements for member participation, tee time requirements and tracking statistics (Results Module) they can be grouped into specific categories. To set up and event categories select Events/Manage Event Categories/Create Category
All event categories are listed in alphabetical order in Manage Event Categories as well in the drop down list in Create Events. When events are created they can be organized into the categories that have been set here. In Manage Event Categories each category is displayed with the number of events located in each. Due to the data and connection with other programs on the website, categories with events cannot be deleted and only the name of the category can be edited.
[Last Updated March 1/2011]