Golf Group Manager is intended to be a self-managed website at a price point which does not allow for individual customer support. The Troubleshooting section is to assist users to find solutions to situations that may arise.
Main Help Sections
Navigating in Fast Draw
Fast Draw is very flexible and allows the draw to be re-created as often as needed.
The parameters for Draw Type, Order, Start, Interval and Players/Time were set when the event was created but can be changed at this time.
Draw Type: There are 4 different choices
- Random – will place players in the draw in random order
- Manual – players are to be placed into the draw i.e. dragged and dropped from the corral into tee time slots
- Handicap – players are placed in the draw with the lowest handicap first
- Reverse Handicap – players are placed in the draw with the highest handicap first
Order: Choice of shotgun start where there is one tee time set or consecutive tee times. For a shotgun start the hole numbers can be entered in the Notes area beside each foursome
Start - enter the first tee time or the shotgun start time
Interval – this is the space of time between each tee time
Players/Time – indicate the number of players there will be for each tee time
Add Members– to add more players dropdown list. Players will to into the Players Corral area. If players are added to a Handicapped Draw, the handicap from the Personal Profile will be included.
Move Players – drag and drop into any empty tee time slots. Or move them into the corral by using the red X and place later. To move all players out of the Draw and into the corral select Draw Type/Manual and Make Draw
Remove Players - To permanently remove them select the red X by their name while they are in the corral
Add/Remove tee times –select Add Tee Times. To remove use the Red X on the left of the tee time you wish to remove. If players are in the tee time that is removed they will return to the corral
Add/Remove Notes –notes can be added that will show in the draw when it is saved. To remove a note click on the note, delete the contents from the pop-up and save. If the Make Draw button is selected after a note has been entered the note will be removed. If a tee time is removed the note will be removed as well.
Add Guests –select Add Guests from the Players Corral area. In the pop-up add in the guest’s name. The name will be displayed in italics in the corral. If the Make Draw button is selected after a guest has been entered the guest will ne removed.
The saved draw can be sent to members and the Pro Shop through the email notification feature in Manage Events.
Posted Draws -when Publish Draw is selected the draw will appear under Posted Draws in the Home page. Even after a draw is published it can be recreated and when saved it will replace the previously posted one.
[Updated Mar 8/11]