Golf Group Manager is intended to be a self-managed website at a price point which does not allow for individual customer support. The Troubleshooting section is to assist users to find solutions to situations that may arise.
Main Help Sections
Create a Draw from a Sign-up List
Create Draw from Sign-up list
Learn the many features to customize a Draw froma sign-up list
Events/Manage Events/Fast Draw
Fast Draw is located in Events/Manage Events. When the cut-off date is reached for an event, the Fast Draw icon turns blue and the names of the players on the sign-up list that have ‘Accepted ‘ status are automatically copied into the Fast Draw corral. The waiting list names are not.
If the event was set to be a Handicapped Event, the player’s handicap will show in brackets beside the player’s name. If more players are added, the handicap from their personal Personal Profile will be used. If the Draw Type is changed from how it was set up originally to a handicap draw, all handicaps will populate from each player's Personal Profile.
Select Make Draw to move the players from the corral into the draw. If there are more players than tee times available new tee times will be automatically added.
[Updated Mar 8/11]