Golf Group Manager is intended to be a self-managed website at a price point which does not allow for individual customer support. The Troubleshooting section is to assist users to find solutions to situations that may arise.
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About Fast Draw
Fast Draw is located in Manage Events. To open click on the blue icon beside the event.
The Fast Draw module is a tool to create handicapped, reverse handicap, random or manual draws. There is also the option to create a tee sheet sign- up where players can enter their names directly into a tee time grid.
Draws can be re-created numerous times; set for a shotgun or consecutive tee time starts; players added, moved and removed; tee times, notes and guests added; and saved then emailed to members; and once the draw has been finalized it can be Published where it will appear in Posted Draws.
Fast Draw is located in Manage Events. To open click on the blue icon beside the event.
[Updated Mar 8/11]