Golf Group Manager is intended to be a self-managed website at a price point which does not allow for individual customer support. The Troubleshooting section is to assist users to find solutions to situations that may arise.
Main Help Sections
Create an Event
Event Category– from the drop down list select the category where this event will appear under
Event Title– enter in the name of the event
Require Tee Times? - Check the box if this event will need tee times. Games and competitions usually require tee times but for social events tee time would be unnecessary. If unchecked there will be no access to listGame WinnersorFast Draw
Player Message?– Check box if you want to give players the opportunity to send a message to the Event Organizer (see p 12)
Date– set the date when the event will take place
Start Time– set the time when the event/game will start
Cut-off Date- choose the date and the time when this event will close for sign-ups. If a date is chosen after the event date a warning will appear.
Player Capacity– enter the maximum number of participants that can attend this event or game. When capacity is reached those signing up will go onto a waiting list. Waiting lists are not available for tee sheet sign-up sheets and the event will show FULL when the maximum is reached
Event Category– from the drop down list select the category where this event will appear under
Date– set the date when the event will take place Event Open¨Days Prior– list the number of days before the event that participants can sign up |
Event Description- in this optional area enter details about the event, such as the game description. The first few lines from here will show with the event listing and it will fully open when the event name is clicked.
Click Add this Event– to save, unless subscribing toFast Draw
By checking the box for the Message Option, those signing up can send a message to the Event Organizer. Messages can be viewed in View/Edit Playerand are available in theFast Drawtable. View Messagecan be opened at any time by an Admin person. All messages are time stamped and are automatically deleted when a player withdraws.
Fast Draw Options
The parameters for Fast Draw are set here. Only subscribers to the Fast Draw module can view this area. All data entered into these fields can be changed when the draw is being created
Sign- up Method – there are two options available for members to sign up for events.
- List – players names go onto a list for a draw to be created later.
- Tee Sheet - players can add their name directly into a tee time grid.
Tee Time Interval – set the intervals between tee times at your club
Players Per Tee Time Indicate how many players will be in each tee time
Handicapped Event? Check this box if the event is a handicapped event. Players will be prompted to enter their handicap when they sign up for this event
Draw Type Select between the 4 choices
Order – decide if it will be consecutive tee time starts or shotgun start
Add this Event – saves the event when the green confirmation bar appears
[Updated October 14 2013]