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Frequently Asked Questions

Read Our FAQ Below for Answers To Common Questions

What do we do if some of our members don't have computers?

Other clubs facing this same situation partnered these individuals with a buddy who did have a computer. The buddy was given the assigned username and password for that person so they could sign them up for games.

I've lost my password or can't find my group's website

In the top right corner of the Golf Group Manager main page, press the Login button. Then press the "forgot group address or password". Type in your email address where prompted and your password will be reset and the link to your website will be sent to you.

We are uncertain if we should get this website as many of our members are older and have a difficult time using computers and the internet. How is the Golf Group Manager program different?

Our first priority is to make this website simple, logical, user friendly site that is easy to use even for the most apprehensive. Presently the majority of our users are over the age of 55.

How much work is involved for our Executive in setting up the website?

You can get your group set up in 4 easy, intuitive steps.

Following sign up for the free 60 day trial

  1. Set up your Group: choose background colours, insert a website photo, etc.
  2. Upload the member roster manually or using a spreadsheet you already may have. Send a bulk email to members to give them immediate access. 
  3. Set up your event categories and in less than a minute per event create games/events using the fill-in-the-blank form and dropdown calendars.
  4. Upload any documents you may want, set up your news page, add a gallery and more.. 

Flexibility and forgiveness has been built into the program so if you make a mistake during set-up, rest assured that it can be changed, edited and/or deleted.


Does someone on our Executive need to be fully computer literate to set up our website?

The Golf Group Manager website is set up for everyone to use, no special set of skills are needed. Extra care has been taken to keep it logical and simple so everyone can feel comfortable using the program.

If we get stuck who can help us?

Answers are a mouse-click away:

  1. Need Help  icon located throughout the website opens to organized Help section including FAQ,  and more than 30 short video tutorials covering every aspect of the website
  2. The Administrator Handbook contains everything you need using easy-to-read instructions chock full of screenshots and tips

What experience does GGM have in golf club leagues and website development?

The Golf Group Manager team has over 15 years of golf executive know-how and 10 years of website development expertise.  Clubs using this program during the past 4 years are our biggest fans highlighting unsurpassed member value through interactive features, 24/7 access and Executive time-saving functions.  It was their positive comments and support that encouraged us to move forward and create Golf Group Manager so other clubs can also benefit.

How safe is our data and personal information?

All your information is in a password protected database. Your personal information is not available to the general public, and Google or other search engines will not be able to index any content in the member's area.

How do we start?

  1. Try the Demo. The demo has already been set up with events, galleries, stats and members. All those trying it out have Administrator privileges so create games/events, make draws, enter stats, etc.  You will be very impressed with the level of detail and thought that has gone into GGM.
  2. Sign up for the free 60 day  trial. Delegate one member of the Executive to be the primary Administrator.
  3. Follow the Quick Start guide for adding members, customizing the colours, and uploading data to the website.  If you get stuck there is over 30 video tutorials to assist along the way in the Help Section.  Plus an Administrator Manual in the footer of each page.
  4. Send a mass (one-click) email to all of your members giving them their user names and passwords and some basic instructions on how to use the site. There is a Member Website Tour Video Tutorial  in the Help section for member orientation.


Still have questions?

Contact Golf Group Manager at info@golfgroupmanager.com.

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